In these newsletters you will find periodical updates of the VPH-CaSE project.

Newsletter seven - February 2019
Final issue, Goodbye VPH-CaSE.
Read the full newsletter online on issuu.
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Newsletter six - September 2018
The sixth newsletter is the final newsletter produced by the ESRs. It reports on the final Training Activity, a conference hosted by UCL in London. It also has a description of the outreach activity held in London the day before the conference and a description of WCB 2018.
The newsletter also has a question and answer session with Susanna and Jeroen and a short description of Rita Levi-Montalcini, an Italian neurophysiologist.
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Newsletter five - April 2018
The fifth newsletter reports the attendance of the ESRs from the University of Sheffield at the VipIMAGE 2017 Conference in Porto. The conference was focused on computational vision and medical image processing. The VPH-CaSE network also organised a thematic session for this conference on Imaging and Simulation Techniques for Cardiovascular Diseases. The accepted abstracts can be found in our Conference Proceedings section.
The newsletter then describes outreach events held in Lyon by Kenny and Emilia. Moreover, the profile of two of our Beneficiary is presented. Finally, the newsletter concludes with some questions asked to Mirko, Ricardo and Massimiliano about their experiences within the network.
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Newsletter four - November 2017
The following newsletter describes the training activities (TA) held at the CNRS in Lyon. The main focus of this TA was to present and prepare the ESRs for the different career paths after their PhD completion.
In the newsletter, you can find also the description of the MEETmeTONIGHT outreach event organised in Milan by the PoliMI ESRs and the profile of two Beneficiary. The newsletter concludes with some questions to Eric, Carlos and Kenny about the motivation of their research and some interesting facts about the athletes’ heart.
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Newsletter three - June 2017
The third newsletter reports the training activity held at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), which focused on the use of experimental techniques to investigate the fluid dynamics and solid mechanics of the heart and blood vessels. More importantly, the TA 3 was the time of the VPH-CaSE mid-term review chaired by an external reviewer designed by the European Commission to assess the development of the project.
In this issue, there is also a description of the Researchers’ Night outreach activity. Finally, you will find the profiles of PoliMi and CNRS together with some Q&A made to Simone F., Emilia and Simone A.
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Newsletter two - December 2016
This Christmas edition newsletter has a summary of the second training activity, where the ESRs had the opportunity of going to Milan, Italy, to learn about numerical modelling and visit LivaNova and Medtronic.
In this issue there is also a description of the outreach made during the Festival of Life. This newsletter also has profiles of UCL, TU/e, Paolo, Louis and Benjamin. Finally, it closes with some fun facts about the cardiovascular system.
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Newsletter one - June 2016
This newsletter is a presentation of the consortium. It includes a background to the VPH-CaSE project, the lists of beneficiaries and partners, a profile on the University of Sheffield, a brief summary of the first training activity, the researcher profiles and a scientific and personal profile of Marie Curie.
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