
Training activity three

Training activity three took place in Eindhoven, hosted by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e), from 3 – 7 October 2017.

The main objective of this event was to provide the ESRs with experimental training.

During the training activity, the ESRs had the opportunity to use ultrasound and pressure and flow measurement techniques to acquire data from experimental setups resembling the human cardiovascular system.

Furthermore, the ESRs were later encouraged to use diverse post-processing tools to extract important information from the data acquired during the experiments.

ESRs were also invited to LifeTec Group to take part in a PhysioHeart experiment. This was a great opportunity to observe how experimental work in industry can be used to test medical devices, provide training for clinicians and serve as a tool for research.

The mid-term review for VPH-CaSE took place during the training event.

A representative from the European Commission was invited to evaluate the development of the project and formulate recommendations to be followed in the remaining two years of the project.

During this review, the Supervisory Board and the ESRs had the opportunity to present the achievements and future prospects of the first eighteen months of their individual research projects. The EC representative was impressed with the development and gave the green light for the project to continue!

The formal review of this training activity is publicly available in deliverable D5.4.

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